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#ranking(s) of university(es)
SELECT ?year ?ranking  ?deternimationMethodLabel ?universityLabel ?university ?statement WHERE {
  VALUES ?university {
#     wd:Q16952
    # to add another university
    # 1,uncomment the last commented line, 
    # 2,put cursor to the end of line, 
    # 3,and press CTRL+SPACE,or CTRL+ALT+SPACE, or ALT+ENTER. 
    # 4,and select first item, and press CTRL+ENTER.
  #if you want to see all ranking lists, un-comment all following blocks
#   VALUES ?deternimationMethod {
#     wd:Q478743
#     # to add another deternimationMethod
#     # 1,uncomment the last commented line, 
#     # 2,put cursor to the end of line, 
#     # 3,and press CTRL+SPACE,or CTRL+ALT+SPACE, or ALT+ENTER. 
#     # 4,and select first item, and press CTRL+ENTER.
#     #wd:Shanghai_Academic_Ranking_of_World_Universities
#     }
  ?university p:P1352 ?statement.
  ?statement ps:P1352 ?ranking.
  ?statement pq:P459 ?deternimationMethod.
  ?statement pq:P585 ?date.
  BIND (STR(YEAR(?date)) as ?year)
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }


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